We’ve got exciting news to share! This month Click Family Healthcare will be opening the doors to our newly built clinic. To celebrate, we’re hosting an open house and inviting everyone on Tuesday, March 27th,. We’d love to have you stop by at 4pm to see our new space. We’ll have food, drinks, as well as tours of the new clinic. Our whole team…
Confused, aren’t you? How can anyone living in Kearney during a cold February – with the forecast for more snow – be excited? Let me explain. First, Click Family Healthcare is doing well. We have enrolled over 100 members. This is pretty amazing, considering we opened November 13th but didn’t see many patients until the second week of December (due to…
2018 is here and with it comes the hopes and dreams for the new year. For many, this means a better job, for others it may mean expanding their family and for others, it may mean moving into the final phase of their life, retirement. No matter what the situation, healthcare looms large in most Americans lives. For many,…
We would like to thank Jessica Stevenson and Mary Jane Skala for the well done news pieces they did about Click Family Healthcare. In addition, we want to thank Tasha Aschwege for listening to John explain Direct Primary Care, understanding its benefit to farm families, and allowing us to have a booth at the Gateway Farm Expo. Because of the exposure…
We are excited to finally have Click Family Healthcare open and are looking forward to serving Kearney and the surrounding communities, providing great healthcare utilizing a monthly membership model costing customers less than most monthly cell phone bills. I want to thank Jessica Stevenson for the news piece she did on NTV. It is hard to discuss all the benefits…
This month, we’re launching Click Family Healthcare. I couldn’t be more excited to build a family care practice focused on our patients. Caring for people is what attracted me to becoming a doctor in the first place, and I’m looking forward to making our new clinic a very personal and unique place. Currently we are building our permanent clinic facility. In…